Welcome to the Hambly Design Team Blog Hop!

We'd like to introduce you to the new design team members through a blog hop (and giveaway). Visit all 16 designer's blogs, where you can read a little bit about each member and see a project and/or tip about Hambly products. Leave a comment on each of their blog hop posts, then go to the Hambly blog (http://hamblyscreenprints.typepad.com/)
and leave comment. On Dec. 19th 2011 at 12 noon PST we will randomly pick and announce the winners on the Hambly Blog (http://hamblyscreenprints.typepad.com/).
10 Random things about me...
1. I believe in magic
2. Cartoons are my fav and I quote them often.
3. I could never decide on one thing I wanted to BE when I grew up. I want to do EVERYTHING!
4.I got my love of craft from my mama
5. Vintage is always good
6. In every situation there is music playing in my head, like a soundtrack.
7. I wish time travel was possible. I would go back in time to every era just so I could live for a few weeks as they did and wear the period clothes.
8. I cry every time I watch dumbo.
9. My fav kind of movies are horror movies.
10. I wish I could play dress up every day.
I would love to share with you a page I made about the most important man in my life. Of course I used hambly. The Doilies and the wood-grain paper are Hambly. My two very fav things.

Now go leave some love on the other girls posts!
Angela Gutshall PA
Corrie Jones GA
Felicitas Klink Germany
Iris Babao Uy Philippines
Janna Werner Germany
Jaz Lee Soo Hui Singapore
Jennifer Rzasa MA
Karine Cazenave France
Kirsty Neale UK
Leeann Pearce Australia
Leah Farquharson FL
Maisa Mendonça Brazil
Marie Ramirez CA
Mou Saha FL
Paige Evans CA
Pearl Lui NY