Those who know me...Or read regularly, know I am pretty weird.I actually LIKE being weird. I dont look at it as a bad thing.
I like who I am. I dont want to be like everyone else. That is why I made this page. I used the hambly sketch for this. (You should totally play along with us) Of course Hambly pretties on it too!
I actually really like this page. Not loving the pic of the page but in person...It's pretty cool. Maybe you agree. (Smile)
For your chance to win go play along with us!
Today I would like to share with you a new something. Something I have been resisting for oooo 5 years (give or take). Seriously. I love studio calico products, but the kits I just wasn't feeling. I didn't understand all the hype. I refused to jump on THAT train. That all changed with Aprils kit. I loved it. Something in my brain clicked and I had to have it. Of course when I seen that Sass was making products for it that did me in! I think I have made a total of 12 pages with this kit! I am in love. This page is of my daughter and I at Santa cruz. We were on the Wheel. That thing scares the crap out of me but I knew I would get some lovely photos. And I did.
I was inspired by wall art on pinterest. I have seen many sunbursts in scrapbooking but I really liked the way this was on the wall art. I tried to recreate that feel.
This one might be one of my favs. The cardstock color goes so well with the photo. I usually use white and Kraft. That's it. But it was in the kit so I had to use it lol!
My husband took this pic of me and I think it is my most fav. Ever. He sees me like no one else. He truly thinks I am beautiful.
Well that's all I am going to share for now. I have a ton more. Looks like I have officially jumped on that train! I cant wait for next months! Hahaha! Do you subscribe?
Learn how I made this lovely chevron glitter vase and get a jump on Mother's day. Check out the hambly blog and leave me some love!
Need a little inspiration? Stuck in a rut? Well then come visit The Creative Type blog to help get you back on track. They have fun challenges. Here is my take on the newest one.
I love this pic of my daughter. She had just died her hair purple. She is beautiful. I was inspired by Michelle Clement. She is a old friend of mine. We have worked on a few things together and I have always thought she had so much talent.
Some come by and play!
Hello friends! Have a little bit of stuff to share with you. This page I made with the dear Lizzy line for A million Memories. I love this pic of my mom and Aria.

Santa Cruz CA. This was the only reason I agreed to go on the stupid Ferris wheel. To get some awesome pics. I hate them. They scare the crap out of me. I love scary rides but for some reason this one freaks me out. It isn't suppose to be scary, I know. It feels like there isn't enough straps or surroundings or something! LOL! Anyway I got some great pics none the less.
Today is Friday the 13 Th. Let me tell you I really thought yesterday should've been and let me explain why. Started out at 11 am in a town I was born in. A man held up in his home shot 2 people through the door and killed them. One deputy and one locksmith. It was still going on around 11 pm last night. Last I seen there was a fire in the house he was in. Crazy. There was also a shooting in Sacramento 2 injured and that one ended up with the guy getting killed. Stockton had a tornado warning and it hailed like crazy. Oh and I got in a 3 car accident on the freeway. Nice right? Yeah. A dude in a small car (honda maybe) raced around to pass me. Got in the slow lane where there was another car about a car length head of me. Swerved back into my lane. Almost hit me but didn't. He over corrected hit her, fishtailed, side swiped my drivers side. I tried to avoid his spinning car, went off the road into a chain link fence. Knocked down 5 of the poles before I came to a stop. The whole time I was hitting the poles I was thinking "I am going to die". Oh the joys of having to commute to work. I am a little sore but my van still is running and got me home. I honestly felt like the guy should've been dead and I should have been majorly hurt. But we weren't. For that I know I had angels around me. (I wish I wouldn't have been so upset and thought to take a pic of the fence!)I am thankful its not worse. So that is my not so fun adventure. I don't believe Friday the 13Th is a unlucky day...But Thursday the 12Th I am not so sure about! *wink*
So have you gotten your hands on any of the new Hambly yet? I adore it! Love love love. I made this page of my daughter and hubby.

Last year around Easter time I took this pic. Love the chevron paper, airplanes, rub-ons...Everything! hahaha! What is your fav hambly product? To hard to choose right?
The other night hubby, Raven and I watched fright night. I actually liked it. Thought it was gonna be major lame. Wrong. If you wanna see a little cheese, slightly humorous horror movie. Watch it.
Sunday, my day off. I love Sundays. They go by way to fast tho. boo to that. Sundays are days of relaxing. I like to create and sit on my couch. Not that I dont like that do that every day lol!
I made this page for A Million Memories. Just one of many. That dear lizzy line lite a fire under my little creating fingers. Ha! I like how this one turned out.
Today is April 1st. I must say I do not pull any pranks. I always want to but feel like it would just be a waste of time. My husband on the other hand always does. He does his famous "I photo shopped the front page of yahoo so there is some crazy news story on there." He gets me for a second. I think its pretty clever tho and love that he does it every year.
How bout you? Any epic pranks? Every one is still asleep, I am thinking of running through the house yelling fire! Hmmmm...
Oh lastly forgot to share the Hambly sketch. Did you check it out? I love what the girls did with it.
