This is my celeb crush. No not in that way. But I adore Bettie page. Simple put. She is awesome. She rocked it when it wasn't cool or kosh. She was outside the box. Strong. Beautiful. Wicked cool. I want to be all those things. This is why she is my crush.
Who is yours and why?
Also don't forget scrap jacked has a new challenge up too!
What has been your cha favs? Mine has to be hambly, Heidi swapp, crate paper & basic grey. Haven't been a huge fan of basic but I'm liking some of the stuff. Can't wait to play with hambly and cp. I am super excited about HS. She is a talented lady and her new line is freaking wicked!
Are there any you are excited to get in your hands?
Oh and I started the feb photo a day challenge on instagram. Here is my view.