So over at
Scrapperie Collen does a daily blog topic to help us all out with blogging and this was one of them...Isn't it a cute little survey?
Colored lights or white lights on your house or not at all? Both
Hot chocolate or Egg Nog? Eww def Hot Chocolate with mush-mellows
What's your favorite holiday dish? Hmmm has to be the gravy and mashed tatoes but I have been introduced to cheese potatoes and those are yum too!
Does Santa wrap the presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrap of course unless it's huge like say ummm a 13ft trampoline hehehe!
Do you hang mistletoe? No its poison and I have kids. But I do have some plastic kind but cant find it.
When do you put up your decorations? I try to do it after thanksgiving but this year I actually got my lights up outside 3 days before thanksgiving and our tree up thanksgiving night! I'm so proud of myself.
What's your favorite holiday tradition? Meeting with family.
What's on the top of your tree? My mother-in-laws Angel. Very special to me.
Do you have a nativity displayed through the holidays? Yes a few of them.
Candy Canes, traditional or flavored? Or Chocolate Covered Cherries? Chocolate covered cherries for sure! YUM!
What's your favorite holiday goodie to make and share? White chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
What's your favorite Christmas song? To hear is the Ray Charles song "the spirit of Christmas this time of year" And i love "baby its cold outside" with Ray Charles and Nina Simon and the version on elf sung by Zooey Deschanel and Redbone.
When did you learn the truth about the "magic" of Christmas? Hmm not sure.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? I use to when I lived at home with mom but hubby doesn't like to do that so we don't anymore.
Is there a special ornament or Christmas decoration that you wouldn't feel like Christmas without? I did have those but now they have been destroyed sadly. Oh well.
Do you take neighbor gifts/treats to anyone, everyone, a select few? No
Is your big meal on Christmas Eve, Christmas morning or Christmas afternoon? All of the above lol!
How do you decorate your tree? I let all 4 kids have at it.
Snow? Love it? Dread it? Tolerate it? It doesn't snow here so Ive never had to live in it. Its fun for a while.
Do you remember a favorite gift? My kids face when they wake up on Christmas morning.
Do you have a family get-together during the holidays with extended family? Use to but now everyone is either gone or moved.
What's the most important thing that you must do each Christmas season? Keep the true meaning of Christmas alive in my heart.
Do you bake Christmas cookies? Yes with the kids.
Do you leave cookies and milk for Santa? Of course!
Share a favorite Christmas memory.
One year we had those baby monitors and we had a skylight...well my husband got the idea to put the baby monitor up in the sky light to where u couldn't see it and then he had a jingle bell and the other monitor (outside) I told my daughter to go to bed (the sky light was in the hall right by her room) and as she walked by she could hear the jingling of "Santa's sleigh." It was sooo cute.
On sat when we went to the last Hershey Christmas party the kids got a pic with Santa... Well my son aeden just turned 4 and I don't think he really remembered Santa to much the years before. They got a gift box full of prizes and one of the prizes was a diary. My son came home that night and began to "write" in his diary. I asked him what it said and he said this " I love Santa. I love Santa. I want a flashlight. And I love Santa." LMAO! I thought it was soo cute!

Darling right? That's Raven Noel(11), Rowan Zane(7), Aria Skyy(5), and Aeden Layne(4). My babies.
Ok the new challenge is up over at
scrapmojo! Go check it out! Here is my take on the challenge.

The big green ribbon is a ornament from the dollar store. The title is from the song I mentioned above by Ray Charles.

(edit: thanks to Michelle I see I am missing a I in spirit! I really do know how to spell I just didnt catch it lol!!! Anyway thanks Michelle!)

I used bubble wrap, lids, and a fork to paint with! So fun. I sprinkled glitter on the paint (bubblewrap) before it dried. I used the really big bubble wrap. I've had those darn Jolee's sticker things forever and thought this would be a great opportunity to use them! Lol! I don't like them on layouts sooo there ya go. Hmm I think that's it...So hope your holiday season is going wonderfully!