Friday, December 7, 2007


Yes that's right my fav Christmas story has come to life. The Grinch visited my tiny house and STOLE my Christmas decorations. I'm so sad. Sad that people have no respect or heart to think twice about stealing CHRISTMAS decorations. This is the season for giving and forgiving so I am trying my hardest to shake it off and hope that it was someone who is in much more need then my 4 children. Or that it at least brightens their maybe dark holiday. *SIGH*

Anyway on to other things. Finished most of my Christmas shopping. I cant wait for my kids to open everything. My daughters birthday is tmw! She will be 12.

Not much else to say...Here are some layouts I did that I'm just not feeling.

sketch challenge

Use pp older then 6 months old and this is like 3 yrs old no joke!

And just because lol!

Happy holidays!!!


Anonymous said...

Seriously??? Someone really took your Christmas decos? That is crazy! That is aweful. So sorry to hear about that!

You should be proud of your pages...they are all great!

michelle said...

I am so sorry to hear about your christmas decor. I work at a police dept and I (sadly) hear this story every year. I am glad that you have such a positive attitude about it.

Holly said...

I can't believe that someone stole your Christmas decorations!!! That's awful! I'm so sorry, Marie. But, can I just say that I totally <3 you today...BIG TIME! I had been in such a scrappers funk, but your little mini album inspired me to make a mini of my own for the Scrapmojo challenge. And, I'm so happy with the way it's going so far. Plus, I even got a page almost done (have to wait until bed-time so I can sneak back downstairs). But, your little book just did it for me. Thank you. :0)

Darlene said...

omigosh! I can't believe someone stole your stuff! That is a GRINCH!!

I like those LOs even if you don't....LOL

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter! I'm sorry to read about your decorations. I can't believe people!

Lo's are great! Love the colors you always pick out!

Melissa Mann said...

Lovely layouts, Marie!!!

Have a good week!

Jessica said...

oh no marie!! :( that's horrible. i hope it turns up...i know one year teenagers were caught doing that. well, they weren't stealing them, but they were pulling pranks and switching people's decorations around the neighborhood. :( congrats on all the recognition you've been getting on all the challenge blogs!

Rose Ann said...

Hi Marie,

!!!I can't believe some scrooges took your decorations...what losers!!! Well I hope you are able to replace them with more festive ones sometime.

Your profile and postings are wonderful and inspiring TFS

just wondering if my post is working at scrapmojo or you maybe you haven't updated yet...yeah probably the latter ;)
You are a busy busy lady....HB to your sweet daughter. Hope all your kids stay on the NICE list! I am sure they will, cause they got you!

Have a scrapdelicous day,