Anyway another page of my dear sweet sister...

The winner goes up today over at ScrapMojo! The clue is up and then tmw goes our guest Mojo Girl and then on the 5th goes the challenge. Yipee! The girls really did a wonderful job on all their must come by and see on the 5th.
I have some friends that need praying for if you all wouldn't mind...Michelle at amm needs lots of prayers for her dear sweet daughter and other people I just dont want to say who in case they aren't down with that but just keep "them" in your thoughts and prayers. I truly believe in prayer. When Ronnie had the flesh eating disease I know him nor I woulda got thru it without prayer.
Anyway he is fine now and going to be going to school and I count my blessings that he is still around to be a wonderful father to my children and a grumpy loving hubby to me lol! Love ya babe!
To all the bloggers who were there for me at that time Thank you again for all ur support and prayers!
Lots of love to all my blogger friends!
Congrats on winning! Those sneak peeks look great. I can't wait to see who won.
It is a very sad thing that Michelle's family is going through.
Congrats Miss Marie, you super talented little lady. You rock!!!!
Oh yeah and Michelle is in my prayers for you.
A big ol' WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO to you!! Yes, prayer is a powerful thing~~I will remember your friends in mine.
I am so going to make it over to Scrapmojo to check it out
Congrats!! I love that totally deserve it! I'll be keeping your friends in my thoughts and prayers.
Yay for Marie! Congrats on your win. :0) Oh, and my boxes of scrap goodies that I mailed home...I mailed them in care of my neighbor. She is watching my house, and I've sent several things to her address. She just puts them in the house for me. ;0) I would NEVER leave my supplies exposed to the elements for nearly a month LOL!
wow thats so awesome girly!And so well deserved,your layouts are so fabby!
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