4 kids does not make that journey very easy either. I love my children. They are my heart and soul. BUT they do make me wanna rip my hair out of my head. Why just the other day I found my 11 and 9 year old swimming in my bath tub. Oooo cute you say? Yes they had bathing suites on and yes it would've been picture worthy until you found out in order to "swim" in said bath tub they shoved toilet paper down the drain. I was livid! I mean I live in a very old house (built in 1939 to be exact) and the pipes are utterly junk. Always getting backed up. I had just gotten said pipes some what clear. OOOOoooo nooo they didn't! I could not believe that these 2 had done this. I mean come on! I expect it from a 4 year old but not a 9 and 11 year old?! REALLY!!! Grrr. Needless to say they are grounded. I think they realize what they did was insane and will never do it again... Or so I hope.
Lots of wonderful things in my life... For one I am alive. No seriously. So many people leaving their families way to soon. It truly is sad. Children left without parents. Parents left with a hole in their heart from a lost child. I am thankful I am here to breath, to hug, to kiss, to love. It can all be gone in a heart beat. Sometimes we all need reminding of that. Stress, work, bills, kids, all get in the way and make us forget this simple thing. It's good to be alive.
I need to make more time. More time to do things I love. Play with my kids. Take photos. Love my husband. Relax. Go on trips. Sometimes I have plenty of time. It just ends up getting a way from me. I will sit on the couch watch tv and tell myself, in a few minutes I will do (insert said procrastination here). Minutes tick away and before I know it its time for bed. HMPH!!! Yes must put that on my list of things to stop doing. I say this often. It's hard to teach a old dog new tricks.
I stopped creating there a few days. I must tell you it really drained my mojo. I have found that even if I only create 10 minutes of the day, it keeps it flowing. I had a hard time getting started back up. Not till NSD did I start making again. At first not so much...Then I just kept going and going and going. Loved each page a little more then the last. The first was lack luster. By the end I was diggin it. You really should try this! Here are some of my NSD creations.
Oh I also had Studio Calico to push me along. Loved the sketches.

Note: I am in love with the Maggie Holmes line... In case you couldn't tell. Haha!
I sometimes forget to post things here or there... SO I posted a few older layouts to 2peas today and seen they pinned 2 to their board! Super neat...Then I found out one is a featured project! What!! Super cool. Totally made my night.

Lastly loving all my IG friends. I think IG has to be my fav "sharing" site. Ever.
all of these layouts are GORGEOUS <3 Glad the inspiration came back!
So many lovely layouts! I am not surprised you had one featured at 2peas. Congratulations on 20 years with your partner - a major achievement.
Yes I'm a fan of your layouts & me too w/the IG sharing site! Love MH products too! Happy weekend!
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