Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Coming home!

Yes that's right he is coming home tmw!!! YIPEE!! I will be his nurse and he will have a home nurse come every once in a while. I'm just so glad he will be home soon. I'm staying the night tonight so i can get everything ready for him tmw and take him back here. He is soooo happy! I'm gonna have to pack his wounds for him at some point. I don't have a plm with that...the only thing that makes it hard is the pain he is in when its done. My gosh who wouldn't be in pain the wounds are well gnarly. But we are on easy street now. I am going to do everything in my power to keep him healthy and on his way to recovery.

We are gonna have to start to deal with Hershey's soon. I called hr and they said they will get some sort of severance package...But since he wasn't there he didn't get the packet. I asked if she could send it to me and she said she would try. That's been a week ago and I haven't got anything yet. I think he will also get to go back to school and be on unemployment all the while. So he has to decide what he wants to go to school for. I know god has a plan for us and i just need to let it happen and not get so stressed out. It's hard...I hold things inside.

So tmw I am going to try to organize my scrap area a bit more and start to scrap again. Even tho when i think about it i get a blah feeling. I'm gonna have to make myself. I need to make my mom a card for mothers day and maybe something special. I'm late but she understands.

Our family has been so wonderful and have helped us out a lot. Ronnie's aunt Debbie has been here watching the kids for the past 3 weeks almost. Made it possible for me to spend so much time at the hospital with Ronnie. My mom came and made me a lasagna and helped clean my house for me and anything else i ask of her she has done. She is so awesome.

I'm truly blessed.


miss morgan... said...

oh i am so excited for you! and def start yourself on some scrap therapy! : )

Jessica said...

I was thinking about you and Ronnie today. I am so happy that I come to your blog and see that he is coming home. You have been so positive through all of this- and so strong Marie.
I think scrapping would be good for you- I will be thinking of ya girlie!! I missed ya on the boards too :)

Jenni said...

I'm so glad that he's coming home! Good luck with dealing with Hershey's, hopefully something good will come out of it. Can't wait to see what beautiful scrappy stuff you make once you're feeling back in the scrappy mood!

Aimee said...

i wish i would have read this yesterday but at least by now he must be home! i'm so excited for you! just get him a little better each & everyday-the job stuff will work itself out. most important thing is for ronnie to get healthy again :)

Micayla said...

What great news, I am so happy for you.

Krystina said...

Oh Marie! I just got caught up with all that has happened with your family. I am so relieved that he is home and doing much better. :)

Vee said...

so happy he is coming home!!
smooches :)

Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...

Ow I'm so HAPPY that he's coming home... And i agree with the other girls.. You are REALLY A STRONG AND LOVING person...


Diana D said...

My thoughts and warm wishes are being sent to you and your family.
It's craftymom, fellow P'inker and this is the first time I've visited your blog. I am sorry to hear of all your husband has had to endure, and I am sure the ride for you and your children has been a roller coaster. Stay strong and positive, your energy will help your husband and your children tremendously, and for yourself, keep blogging, it helps to let it out.
Hugs to you!

Michelle said...

Glad to read that you'll have your fmaily back together!