So who watched it? How awesome was that? I mean the bands were so great. What a great mix and what a wonderful cause! Red Hot Chili Peppers were wicked as usual oh and cant forget Foo Fighters!! To many bands to mention but it was really freakin cool to see the Police, Roger Waters, and the Smashing Pumpkins!!!
Did u pledge to do anything? I am always trying to do things here and there and sadly i am a busy girl with 4 kids. I need to get out of that mind set and start doing more. I love our lovely green earth and i wanna keep it that way. I recycle and try not to use our car to much. I don't use my ac at all just fans. I've been going behind the kids and turning off the lights and in the day i have to remind them we don't need them. I also just bought a butt load of the greenlife bulbs at the dollar store of all places!!! I was sooo happy to find these there.
So i guess I'm doing my part...How bout you? Pledge here.
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!!
Great for you! I hope lots of other people feel as strongly!
i missed it! but i have changed my bulbs and started recycling.. and i'm waiting for a hybrid expedition..
LOved the concert! But you know cuz you read my blog!!
I totally missed it, gutted!!! I will have to catch up on youtube!!!
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