Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And start my life a-new...

Ok I finally have some scrappyness to share. I was sooooo excited about our next challenge over at MOJO that I started it right away...In fact I have 2 projects going at once. But then I decided to stop and work on something I could show off lol! When I finish something I get antsy and wanna hurry up and post it. Like at Christmas time when I buy gifts...I get antsy and want the person to open it. Im a nerd. I "cleanned" my desk last night...Ha! It's still kinda messy. At least I have a small white space to scrap on tho! So bad.

We had some big news at Scrap Mojo. Did you see it? Well we are looking for 2 more girls to add to our team and we have a new Mojo girl! She is super cool and talented. We will be having some AMAZING guest designers coming up too. I cant wait!

So about the scrappyness...I am playing along over here. It has really inspired me. I made a whole book for it. I will post the book soon. For now here is the first page.

I watercolored the background page and painted the little people. We are holding hands hehehe! I get to go to Kerry Lynn's class...I cant wait!!! Any Cali girls wanna meet up? Let me know.

Ronnie has his acceptance letter to start school (for those that don't know he worked at Hershey's and they shut down the plant and moved to Mexico). He of course has to meet with tra lady and do some other jumping thru hoops. I'm just glad he is on his way. He is a brilliant person and Ive said before I know that he will do well in whatever he takes on.

So that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by oh and I hope your days aren't as wet and ugly as mine! Yikes!


Vee said...

awesome news for your hubs, can't wait to see more of your mini :)

Michelle said...

Love the first age of your book. I'm interested in meeting you up on that day! I have to think about that class and see if I can get to Fremont by 3pm. I've never been to that store before! That's a first for me. I usually go to any store thats within an hours drive!

Crystal said...

awesome news cousin! I hope you stayed high and dry during our last round of storms :)

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to Ronnie and school!!

Your work is so inspiring...all of the time!! I'm always so excited to see what you come out with next!!

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

love this page, can't wait to see the whole book.
Love the little peeps.

china59 said...

Oh this lo is absolutely gorgeous ! WTG !
Happy things are moving positively for the hub !

dori.aleman.medina said...

omg... what is he going to school for? wow! yah for ronnie!

alittlebitofscrap said...

Fun layout :)

Anonymous said...

GREAT project you've made. I LOVE the details!!


Holly said...

Again, love that book! Best of luck to Ronnie on the new job adventure!