I used a line from the Regina Spektor song Braille..."So she named her baby Elvis, to make up for the royalty he lacked.." I thought it perfect. The heart on there my cousin made. We are gonna be selling them in our etsy soon! Stay tuned!
I also want to thank Sandi for picking me to be on her dt! I love it! Here is some more things I made with the jan kit...
Book for the postcards from here blog...
First "postcard"

My sister Tiffany.

A bettie "daily" Although I dont do them daily. I have 3 more of these same pics if anyone wants to trade me maybe a atc or something for them I will gladly. :)
Ok so I watched LOST....Oh my what a cry fest! My daughter and I were balling everytime they mentioned Charlie or seen him drowning or seen Hurley cry... I mean I cant wait till thursday to see the next one! That show is like crack hahahaha! So addicting. I cant say to much because Im more confused then I was at the end of last season lol! I thought it was BEN in the coffin but then towards the end of the show I started thinking it was Locke so now I just dont know. MAN!
Today the winner over at Mojo...Gotta go post that now. Man there was a lot of wonderful entries! Then tmw will be the guest Mojo reveal. Oh and you still have a few days to submit to be a Mojo girl! Dont forget that one!
I've got even more scrappyness but Ill save it for another day! Have a wonderful week!
Congrats on being debt free! That is an incredible accomplishment. Great stuff as always!
Hi Marie!
I discovered your blog through Marieke's. Your layouts and post cards are amazing. Congratulations for being "debt-free"! It's great to NOT owe anybody, thats a natural high for me.
OH yeah...LOST is crack and heroin coctail. I want it on everyday!! LOVE it. and LOVE your LO's...you did a great job!
that is awesome about being debt free!!!!
love the layouts! you're so inspiring!
ooh Marie! BIG CONGRATS on being debt free!!! WOW...
thats a HUGE accomplishments!!!
im truly happy for you.
I just started watching lost...and I am sooo LOST! LOL
my bf is trying his best to explain it...but I have sooo many questions!
As always...love your LO's! And, I know what you mean about the feeling of being debt-free. We were able to pay off the last of our debts during this deployment. Yipee! It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Now, if we can just stay that way...
loooove these pages!
omg and yes LOST!! how can i wait till thursday?!?! omg it's too good! but man, charlie is a hot ghost. hehe
wtg on the no-debt! if you ever miss it, ill be glad to pass you over some of mine. hehe as always, beautiful stuff, awesome lil postcard book, i need to come up with something cool for mine.
yay, Marie!! =) and look at all the yummy eye candy...you've been busy!! =) etsy shop is open, too...I'm taking camera custom orders, if you want one..he he..just e-mail me! =) happy day to you!
Debt free? That is awesome, girl! I so wish I was a LOST fan. I watch so many other shows, I can't possibly add another to my list...I'd never get anything done. I'll just read about it on everyones blogs. And incredible layouts, as always. Love seeing your work :-)
YAY for being debt free.............I cannot wait until that day!!!!!
Love the layouts, sooooo fabby girl as always!
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