Kind of simple but I wanted it to be. Represents the way I feel now I am debt free...Less clutter=less stress! The wings are from the 2nd page I did and they were peeking out so I thought I might as well use them.
Mojo 8 is up...You need to go check it out! We have lucy as our guest Mojo girl. She is super sweet and talented. Loved her page. The girls all did a fab job of course. They never disappoint me or anyone. Here is my page for the challenge...

This of course is my hubby and myself...12 yrs ago lol! We dont take pics of ourselves now to much. Hopefully that will change soon.
I havent actually been in a pic takin mood. I did however take this pic of my cat yesterday stealing the picture of my daughter I was working on!! This cat loves pipe cleaners. She wont leave them alone.

She did not want to give that thing up either! I kept taking it and putting it back and she would run over there and grab it again! I had to hide it finally. Little bratt. LOL. I love that lil kitty. She is soo cute. You can see part of my messyness I call a desk. It never stays clean for very long.
I did another "daily" or maybe atc...I dont know whatever...I just know i did one! LOL!

I have 2 more pics if anyone wants to trade?!? Or we can even work out a atc trade? Im trading one of these with Gigi. I have a peewee one Im gonna work on next. Hehehehe!
Man I didnt know I had so much to share...Ok one last thing...I did the olw challenge. I love this picture my daughter Aria created. At first I didnt know what it was but I asked her and she told me a ballerina I seen it right away. I love it!

I wanted to showcase it and I hope thats what I did here.
So I think Ill stop there. Makes it seem like I have been creating so much lately but I dont feel like I have. Hmm oh well lol! Happy creating!
Ummm, check out your owl pic on my flickr. I've had more comments on that pic than any other in a long time! Everyone loves it! Yay, that I get to keep it.
Beautiful LOs girl! And that is so funny about your cat. BTW, loved that LO too on SIS! Already left you some lub!
aww cousin I love that first pic of your kitty! she looks so pretty. I also love the page you did for aria and her drawing.
Love you lots cousin keep on rockin that paper!
ok - those photos of your kitty are so adorable! and I totally feel ya on that too, because my little cat steals everything! fabric, cardboard bits, but how can I stay mad? she's so darn cute about it!
that is so so so awesome about being debt free, go you! I've still got a ways to go on that one!
I love all of your new LO's! And, your ATC! Those pics of your kitty are too funny! Thanks for sharing. And, I know what you mean about the blahs. I've had a major case myself lately. I'm hoping that the recent sunny weather will help me feel a little bit better. Happy creating to you too!
I cannot believe your cat has gotten so big! She looks fabulous! How's the other doing?
ow i so so so luv your OLW layout!It's perfect,way cute!
Yay, I love the pic's of your cute kitty. My cats often steal stuff too! At least your cat doesnt bring you home dead pigeons as a treat.
Layouts are too cute as always girl..........does your mojo ever leave you?
Thank you so much for your very kind comment on my blog!
I missed your BEAUTIFUL work!
1. debt free = YAY
2. Your kitty is too funny!
3. Love the heart LO of you and DH
4. You showcased Aria's artwork just perfect!
Here's to being chipper and full of sunshine!
debt free!!!! isn't that the greatest feeling in the world??? YAH!!!
omg, those pics of your cat are too frickin cute! i love it! i missed you at bingo last night,i was only there for a few minutes. hope you're havin a good week!
Huge congrats on being debt free : )
Your kitty shots put a huge smile on my face and so did your daughters ballerina : )
Love your work Marie!!!!!
I always love to stop in and see what you've created. Lovely stuff, as usual.
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