Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'll be home for Christmas....

Played cyber HOLINGO with my new friends over at Scrapperie last night. Fun fun! I didn't win but its all good. Still had a blast.

I finally did the olw challenge in time! I would even say it was early lol!

And my lil babushka card...She is soo cute I love her.

Not much else! Have a lovely day!


Holly said...

Oh, I did post a comment for you yesterday. It must not have gone through. :0( You are early on my birthday...not 30 yet! Not 30 yet! LOL! My b-day is Dec 26th. So, you're actually early, not late. ;0) But, thanks for the birthday wishes! And, I hope that your daughter had a great birthday too! Having a Christmasy b-day has always sucked for me! LOL!

Colleen said...

Love both of these! Isn't holingo fun?! I never win, but it's all good!!

Michelle said...

Wow! I'm jealous of all of your scrapping! Where do you find the time with four kids and a busy holiday season? You must be super woman! Beautiful OLW challenge and fun card!

Jscraps4u said...

Sooo cute!!! I love LeClub and am soo glad you can join us!! And, I totally didn't know your name is Marie...clueless!!!

Jscraps4u said...

OK...I thought I just left a comment...but now I know I'm really clueless...I love LeClub and am soo glad you can join in on the fun!! And your user name totally confuses me...yet I'm easily confused!!

My Paper World said...

Great layouts!

Unknown said...

these are absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering the same thing...where do you get the time to do everything? You must not get much sleep?! I love all of your creations...that card is sooo great! Thanks, as always, for sharing your talent!!

Melissa Mann said...

Hey - I recognize that stamp!! I have hardly gotten to play with my SoML kit...maybe this weekend...I'm SOOOOOOO glad it's teh weekend!!!!!!!! I was definitely ready to be done with work for a while...

Talk to ya later..

Oh and I LOVE that layout!! BEautiful!