Feb has approached like a speeding train. Why oh why does time continue to go so fast but yet so slow lol! I know that probably didn't make much sense. In my weight loss it seems like I have been doing this forever...8 months on the 6th and I have lost a total of 113 lbs. I have been keeping a food journal and been doing more exercise. I looked at my before pic the other day and almost fell out of my chair! How is it that we see ourselves a certain way then come out of the fog and see the true us? I fooled myself for so many years in thinking "I m not that big"...Boy was I wrong! I am very thankful for this surgery and the life it has given me back. This addiction was and is a tough one to kick.
On to some really cool news. I applied to be a
garage girl...If you don't know there is this cool store in Freemont run by a super cool lady named Suzy West. I am sure you know her one way or another. She is so funny and sweet. I am super excited to work with her and all the dt. My lovely friends
Kerry Lynn and
Nikki teach there! I miss them. Haven't seen any of the girls (
Diane,) in a while now and I need my scrapn girls day fix. I hope to make it out there this Friday to pick up my assignments.
I wish I had some scrappyness to share...But alas I have none. I am working on the next mojo. I'll have that one up the 20th. I will however leave you with a pic my cousin took of my son and I.

Yep that's how I roll! Have a wonderful week!
We are thrilled to have you be part of our team!!! YIPPEE!!
what a cute pic! congrats on all your weight loss. Keep up all your hard work. and good luck on your app!
Congrats girl on the weight loss!
And I will have to go check out that store.
Hope you are having a great week.
Congrats on becoming a garage girl. I get all their emails.
congrats on your weight loss!!!! Love that pic!
I am so happy to have you on our team. And I miss you too.
Marie- Congrat's on becoming a garage girl- hopefully I'll be able to make it down there when you're there :)
HEy there cousin I need to give you my new blog addy..
love you lots I had fun last friday :D
113lbs! way to go girl! That is awesome. So proud of you for kicking butt with this.
that's awesome about being a garage girl - I wish I lived anywhere where some awesome scrap stuff happened. I'm way out of the loop though, so I probably just don't know about it!
Big yay! for loosing weight girl!!I am one of these persons that gains and looses all the time...(Most of the time i just feel fat...)
So i know what you mean,way cool!
Aaaah, such a sweet photo!
Hey chickie, girl where have you been! I was just thinking bout ya, you know I'm always concerned lol ANd you haven't called a sista in a minute. Congrats on all the good news! Love You:)
Tonight we drink to youth, you ROCK!
Congrats on the design team...how are you these days?
That's so awesome about your weight loss success-good for you. It's hard work. I remember I had 70 pounds to lose after I had my first daughter, not easy. So congrats!
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