Last night I watched vh1 rock honors The Who (did anyone else see it?). It was fabulous. It made me appreciate that my childhood was filled with such wonderful music. I use to think it was sad that I had no culture due to the fact that my parents are not just one ethnicity. I'm Irish, dutch, Portuguese, German, and Indian. Those are just the ones I know. Last night tho made me realize I do have culture to celebrate and its music. I wouldn't trade that for the world. I love music. I cant create unless its there playing. I cant clean as well unless there is something I can sing to and when its not playing on my laptop or computer its playing in my head. I grew up on some wonderful bands. My aunt and uncle were hippies and constantly had Pink Floyd, Beatles, The Who, The Doors and Jim Croce playing. My mom passed on her old records to me and I cherish them. Elton John, Peter Frampton, The Beatles, John Lennon...Just to name a few. I also grew up on old country, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams....I love it all. I am grateful that I had such diverse and wonderful music to listen to.
Now that you heard my whole shpeal of how i love music and blah blah, on to other things. I made the catwalk this week! Woot! Made me smile after a some what shitty day. Thanks Celine. She picked my olw page that you see below this post.
The next Mojo challenge is up. Pretty fun one too. Hope you come along and play with us. Here is my take on it.

Kara is our guest. Wonderful prize from RVK! YAY! GO NOW! Ha!
I have like 8 layouts sitting here waiting for me to finish them. I start it and then decide i have a idea for something else and move on. Grrr I need to stop that. Im working on a sis challenge right now and the scrapjacked too. My cats keep knocking over my crap so it hard to keep things organized and off the floor.
Oh I almost forgot I went and saw x-files! Yes it was everything I had hoped for. No alien gov conspiracy crap! YAY! Hubby took me and that meant the world to me because he is not a x-files fan. Thanks hubs.
I just love love loooooooooove your layout! you are one talented chick! :)
Hey Marie
I love your music taste on your profile! Its so cool! Especially temple of the dog! :)
Your layout for the mojo challenge is cool! I love that houndstooth!? paper.
SO sweet of your hubby!!! I just saw the challenge up on Mojo... I love it!!
I recorded the Who tribute. I freakin' loved Foo Fighters version of Young Man from Live at Leeds. Can't remember their drummers name, but, you can see how much he was influenced by Keith Moon. Loved it. And the Flaming Lips weren't too bad either. My only disappointment was the John Entwhistle wasn't there. Without his bass licks, its just not the same. I'm an old hippie too. I was grounded for a month because I went in the snow (uncommon for Texas)to the 1969/70 show. It was worth it.
peace, kimbo
WHat a neat mix you are!! That's so cool! Way to go on the catwalk this week...I gotta get back into SIS...it's been so long. Hopefully one of these days when life gets back to normal. Happy hump day!
omg! my computer is stupid for a few days/weeks and i miss sooooo much!!! all your stuff is fab! and you know i mean that truly!
send me a link to the "other" blog!
Love me some Beatles, baby. woo hoo on the catwalk! I think this is the first place I've seen a reveiw of the x-files, glad it was good, been holding out seeing it.
I get a chuckle out of that quote- don't know why....I REALLY want to try this one
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