Whew this week is...well it just is. I am trying to be more organized since i have more responsibilities lately. I maybe adding even more to it so I need to prepare for that. Why wasn't I born a neat freak? Why does my life thrive on chaos? If any of you have the answers to these questions I would love to hear it!
Well I have a yummy sneak for ya. From RVKC. The colors are fab and that frame is just oohhh lala!

Loves it right?
There is gonna be some new product in this kit coming up...I believe the paper starts with a s and ends with a s....hmmmm?? I cant wait! We also have a new dt member and she is wicked awesome.
Sorry hon...hope your week gets better. Love that sneak for RVKC!
my week has felt that way a bit too. I definitely need to get better organized somehow. yikes.
I saw that sneak on flickr last night and yeah, it's soooo yummy.
yummmmmmm...i just might be getting myself one of those RVK's this month. Looks really cool! And don't worry...I'm messy and disorganized most of the time!!
Girl you are getting all kinds of goodies in the mail. Yummy!!! I hope you liked what we picked out over the phone at Hambly. That was fun shopping!! Does the new paper have 2 words?
Lovin' the sneak of the new kit!!
Have a great week!
Oh I wish I was a neat freak too, until I realise that if I was I wouldn't be able to find anything lol
Oh how I wish I had a money tree so I could get a RV kit, hmm I think I say that every month lol.
Hope the week is getting better
Yummy Goodness there! :)
have a Fab Day!
Oooh Awesome!!!! You are so right I Loves=)
i hope your week gets better! Being organized is a pain :P The RVKC kit sneak looks yummy!
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