Hubby bought me the most beautiful flowers and some garden stuffs. Oh and we went on a little shopping spree. LOL! I bought some plants for the outside and lights, window boxes, a fire pit, dirt and clothes lol! Yeah he spoiled me.

I painted my door and planted my plants and am slowly making my house look better after years of neglect. When you have 4 kids and are a big girl you just don't want to do anything other then take care of them and that's it. My house was neglected. But no more! Since I have lost 124 pounds I surprisingly (sarcasm) have found the energy to do the things that i love...Gardening being one them.

My cousin surprised me with a cute little jar filled with the most scrumptious fabric and a awesome punch. LOVE IT!

I did find some time to make some scrappyness. But I am on the laptop right now and the pics are on the other computer lol! We are getting ready to watch tv sooo they will have to wait. I really love the next mojo challenge. I cant wait to post that one. Oh and I managed to pick some new mojo girls and send out emails! I m getting good at multi tasking again lol! Let's pray I can keep it up.
I actually made a to do list and crossed things off! WTF?? I never do that! I would write them and then lose the paper or not really ever have much to put on it. Yes life is beginning to look up lol!
Ok as I just typed that last line I realized I hadn't told you all that I got in a car accident on St Pattys day. I and hubs are fine. A teen tried to come into my lane and well hit me. He only had a permit and no adult in the car! AGH! Thank god the mother said she will pay the damages! She gave us 1000 already and owes 800 more which she will pay on the 1st. Whew! At least it wasn't worse! I feel really bad for the mother I know how mad she must be lol!
Watched a few movies...
Night in Roadanthe- good movie
Yes man- funny
Ps I love you- freakin sad!!! Loved it.
Bled-Uhhhh dumb!
Cadillac Records-Wicked great!
Oh and hubby took me to see last house on the left. I LOVED IT! Awesome awesome movie. If you don't like thrillers you wont like this movie.
Ok so I believe that's it for now. Hope you are having a wonderful week!
Wow, that was a lot to take in. I bet you'd love my mom's garden since you are into gardening. Any time you are in the area, let me know. Even if I'm not home, my mom would love to share and give you plants. :D
Sounds like you had a great birthday. Sorry to hear about the accident. And congrats on loosing the weight!
Bday party looks and sounds like a blast!You got spoiled,but hey it's your bday!!
Your house looks so nice,and love your beautiful door...I hate gardening,but it is looking oh so good!
Hi Marie, glad to see you posting again! Your gardening looks great! It's a sweet welcome at your door! Love the blue colour of the "hortensia"(?)
happy spring, love your photos!
You have been busy girl! That is awesome that you have gotten back into gardening. Beautiful flower pics! I can't wait to bring home some hanging ones soon and put them on the porch!
I love LOVE the new paint on the door. It looks amazing!
The latest movie I have seen is Rachel Getting Married...and I really liked it!! And forget watching the The Last House on the Left!! No way, Marie!!! No can do!! Unless you dont' want me sleeping for weeks!! hahah Yep, that's me...big ol' chicken sh@#!!!
Have a great weekend!!
P.S. I Love You is what my husband calls voluntary torture for me. Lol, I love it, but I bawl every single time I watch it. He's always like, why do you that to yourself??
I fixed the date on my blog about the new mojo members - sorry about that!
Awful about your car accident, glad you are ok!!
And it is so awesome to hear about your new energy and all your weight loss. I'm so excited for you - I know it's probably been such a long road so far.
I hope your birthday was just awesome girl!
awww I love how your house is looking. your flower pictures are awesoem too. Im glad I was able to suprise you with a little gift. :)
Glad you are okay! You're lucky! And that's good that she's paying the damages...getting cars fixed isn't cheap, I'll tell ya!
So good that you've found the energy to do what you've been wanting to do! With the snow melting away, it finally gave me the kick to finish off my art wall, which I've been meaning to do for months! It always feels good to get things done!
Ditto to what Dani said about "P.S. I love You". Makes me cry every time.
Love all the pictures! Happy Birthday! and Congratulations on your continued weight loss!!!
Have a super weekend!
Happy b-day! The bbq sounds delish!
I need to go get some plants today and do some springtime gardening! It's still kind of dreary and cold here in Philadelphia, but pansies are nice. Your place looks nice and springy!
Glad you're okay after the car accident!
Have a great weekend!
Oh my gosh...so scary for your accident. I'm glad you two are OK...
Also a belated birthday wish!!! I love you porch...I just bought some solar lights for our porch area. A little at a time...
ahhh, gardening, that is so cool. I am terrible at it, I would kill all the plants. I could not even keep a bonsai tree that I had to have. Glad you were not hurt in your car accident. your B-day sounded like a great time!
And I loved the Last house on the left? did you see A haunting in Conneticut yet?
Your house looks great! Glad you are ok from the car accident!!
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