Monday, March 8, 2010

Off with your head!

This week/weekend has been simply action packed. Went to see Alice In Wonderland at 12:01 am friday. I went with my hubby, my sister and her hubby. She dressed up like Alice and he as the mad hatter.

The movie was AMAZING. As you may or may not know I am a huge Burton fan. Love EVERYTHING he does and this has to be one of his best. I truly was drooling over every inch of that film. We got to see it in Imax 3-d...mad it even better. I highly recommend this movie.

I also went out with my hubby and his friend from way back in the day. We got together a few weeks ago for some drinks and good times. Then we invited them back for free pizza and karaoke night at Fats. Had a great time. He brought his wife and we sat back and watched the boys sing. We called them the Ron and Mark show. Took a few pics with my iPhone.

Oh don't think I mentioned that I got a new iPhone did I? Well I did and I love it! I freakin never thought I would ♥ a cell phone but I really do this one. Look at this cool free app I found. Its called Retro Camera and I took this pic and edited on my phone.

That is only one of the many things you can do with that app.

I also created a few things.

I made this page reflecting on my life and what I always say to my cousin. Our day will come. Someday.

This is my uncle and Aunt. Love this pic of them back in the day. Love those wood grain papers. I printed out the kitschy digital kits at costco and used it as 12x12 paper.

I made this using the last of my Jan Kenner Road kit. My hubby and I. Loved that kit and now I have the feb kit to play with. Already have 2 pages made.

This one is aeden and his cute little boots. I used the Jenni Bowlin kit for this one. Misted the CS with the bg lace paper. Love that! I think it needs a little more but it turned out ok.

I made these actually through out the month but I just haven't been able to share them here. So many things to share so little room lol!

Last but not least we are doing a create each day post over on the bad girls blog. It is a post to help you get inspired and create. My posts are on Thursdays. Here is what I shared. Garlands...They are beautiful and there is so many things you can do with them.

I am in the process of making my own garlands. Check out the post I did and the post the girls have done through out the week. Lots of inspiration being posted over there! I will also do a tutorial on my garland hopefully by the weekend. Check back in for that.

I can not wait for the first kit to be played with. I am soooo excited. I know that Wendy has some beautiful things coming so keep an eye out for that!

Whew! This post is getting long. I hope your week was wonderful and the next week to come is just as wonderful if not more.



Fauve Design said...

I am so jealous,cant wait to see Alice!You have been busy Scrapbooking missy,fabulous work!

Anonymous said...

Ok added you to my google reader:) Your sisters costume rocks!!!!! Ok now I have to see this movie. I have heard so much good things in the blog world.

Oooooh and these recent pages rock!!!!! pretty. pretty.

Marit said...

Ahhh, you've been busy alright! Gorgeous layouts, and such cool garlands! I'm looking forward to "Alice" too..!

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

Get out! that little round felt ornament here is something I bought at Michaels too!!!! You beat me to it to scrap with it!!! I also love your "Leave a comment" button. Way too cute.
Have a great night hon!

Danielle said...

Can't wait to see the movie! So fun your sis dressed up. I have an Alice costume too, but probably wearing it 2-3 weeks after it's been out would be weird???
LOVE those layouts and I need to check out this kit you speak of...

dani said...

I'm really wanting to try out all these garlands I keep seeing. Very inspiring.

Gorgeous pages, you are really busting them out lately! Love it!

Melissa Mann said...

i soooo wanna see that movie!!! one of these days when i get a!

love all the scrappy goodness!!