He was a Dog (wolfman) and I was a kitty. I must say I really love the Internet. I mean anything you can think of is on here. I thought I would look up some cat makeup ideas and well I found one. My makeup is based on that video. Don't have the link right off hand but I like how the makeup turned out.

Hubby's makeup I did also. His was a little harder. As you know we are pretty strapped for funds. We had to improvise on our costumes.

Mine cost .99 in total and his cost 1.50. Pretty good eh? I had the dress,tights, shoes, hair, makeup. I need the ears and it came with a tail. Hubby need fangs. I used my makeup and a black makeup crayon we had from last year. We also had a big jug of blood we bought from Spirit last year the day after Halloween. Got a deal 1/2 off. Tore up some old clothes of his and Viola the wolfman was born.
Our friends Mark and Erika had some really cool costumes. Doesn't Mark look like Zack from Hangover? I think so.

Share the last bit of my Halloween craftiness. I soo wanted to make more but time and me being lazy just didn't allow it.
I love these flowers. Used the dollar store streamers to make these crepe flowers. They are quick and simple to make. You can also make fabric ones. Which I did and will share along with the link soon.
Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I tell myself not to think about Christmas until it is over. Very hard. I totally forget about thanksgiving once Halloween is over. Really they should just move it to like may or maybe august? LOL! I need 2 months for Christmas honestly.
No but I do have some lovely Thanksgiving crafts coming up made with my PSA stamps. Keep a look out for that.
Carved pumpkins, roasted pumpkin seeds, made choco chip cookies, hot apple cider, and finished up some craftiness sat (pics coming soon). Today is Halloween so it is filled with candy, walking, and whining. Yes my kids love to whine about how their feet hurt and their hungry and can they please have one bit of candy?!?!? ACK! Good grief. On that note I must prepare, find a happy place and put my whistle on.
Your friend Mark looks EXACTLY like the guy from the Hangover. OMG! Great costumes and Happy Halloween!
Beautiful Halloween pics.
By the way, I have a new blog adress
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