Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Take all the courage you have left

I have some super happy news to share. Seriously so freakin happy. I was practically jumping up and down when I got the call. The person on the other end made my month, maybe even year. Are you wondering what could be so exciting? Ok I will spill it.

I am now the proud member of the GCD design team!

Are you doing a happy dance for me? I did. Just the brief 10 mins I was on the phone with Heidi made me even happier to be on this team. She is truly a fabulous gal.

I couldn't be happier to work with such a wonderful lady and wicked awesome product. I only apply for things that I truly love and I truly love their lines.

Speaking of truly love I managed to make a few things at the crop I went to on Saturday with the new A Million Memories kit. Met my totally cool friend Kristi there and we talked and scrapped. I actually was productive that day. I worked my little heart out.

This page is based on the sketch that our DT member Wendy came up with. You can play along and win a $10 GC. Check it out.

The paper in the kit reminds me of family history. I thought it was perfect for this picture.

Also made a ATC for the new prompt at Simply ATC.

Come trade with me!

I have one more page in the making and a cute little St. Patty's day project. That will be posted on the 17th. I am a part of a blog hop with PSA. You can win $150.00 worth of product! Make sure to check back on the 17th for more details!

P.S. & tmw is my birthday! Could this week get any better?? ;)



Days End Studio said...

So happy to see you happy. :O)
You will be AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Marie! You do such amazing work, so excited to be on the team with you!

Sandi Smith said...

Big Congrats Marie...your work is awesome!

kim c said...

Congrats! I'm so happy GCD picked you, that's great. And happy birthday. Mine is at the end of this month. I got a freaking AARP card in the mail Saturday. Jeez, I'm only going to be 55. Not quite ready to retire, lol. Have a good one Marie.

Kari said...


Mandy said...

Doing the happy dance with you!! Congrats! Love your blog and music!!Can't wait to get to know you better!

Gina Lideros said...

Hi Marie, congrats on making the GCD team. I look forward to working along side of you :)

Jamie Dougherty (jaylynn) said...

Congrats on making the team!!!

Michelle Hernandez said...

Oh my goodness congratulations!!! You are a perfect fit- can't wait to see all the fabulous projects you'll produce.

Christy said...

Happy birthday! And congrats! I look forward to working with you on the team this year! :)

danielle said...

Congrats Marie!! That is so awesome! Wow, you're a popular girl...(hint..)

Diane B. said...

Congrats on the GCD DT! So excited for ya!!! Hope to see ya soon!

Marie-Eve said...

Yeah ! Congrats on the DT, looking foward to see what you create for them. And happy b day !

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! Woot! Super huge congrats!!!! You go girl! xoxo