Did I tell you all I am doing the project 52? I mean I might as well I try to take at least one picture a day.

I figured once a week I wont fail. I am not sure what pictures that I take are for the challenge (haha) but I have plenty to choose from.
Deadlines are all finished. Now I can create freely. On the agenda is many many valentines crafts. I already started a few. Here is a peek of the doily garland I started today.

Also made some napkin heart doilies that Martha Stewart showed. Super cute and hecka easy. Not sure where or how I am going to use them yet but I will figure something out.
I went out shopping for my husbands birthday present and stopped off at the flea market. Every time I go I see the huge acorn trees and all the acorns all over the parking lot. Me, being the crafty gal I am, wants to bend down and gather a few hundred each time. I refrain. Family is with me and well people look at you funny. This day I was alone. So I picked up a few...or more and yes I got funny looks but that's ok.

I love them and I love what they are turning into!
I also scored a tiny milk glass candy dish.

$2.00 (better pic to come)
This 4 day weekend I did A LOT of movie watching.
Social Network-not bad
Yellow Handkerchief-liked it
Machete-brutal but good
Stone- eh
Blades of Grass-good
Get Him To The Greek (re-watched- funny as all heck
Trying to get my mantel all decorated up for Vday. Pics coming soon! I cant wait till its finished and I can share! :)
All you Valentines swap girls here are your partners. Randomly drawn by my little man.
If you want you can send me your addresses and I can send them to your partners or you can post your email addresses in the comments below so they can contact you directly. My email is scrapmojo@sbcglobal.net Make sure to have your creation in the mail around February 5th so they can get it before Valentines day.
Do you decorate for Valentines day? If so when do you start? Where do you get your inspiration?
thanks marie!!! whee!!! off to create!!!
Love that cute candy dish! I know Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I am scrambling to get my scrap room unpacked so I can work on the handful of projects I want to make. My inspiration comes from blogs and what I might find at vintage stores. Are you free on Superbowl Sunday? Ginger & I are cropping at Art Inspired here in Brentwood. Come up! We miss you!
you have a lovely spot here. i heart the photos!
and i'm your new follower!!!
Love that photo of you - pretty pretty.
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