This is post #250! In honor of my little blog post I would like to host a valentine exchange. How it works is leave me a comment I will pair everyone up and post it on the blog. You then will have to email each other addresses and send one handmade valentine to them and in return you will get one back. Does that sound fun? I will be playing along also.
I am really happy that I have stuck with this little blog through thick and thin. I started this blog not really knowing what would come out. Shortly after my husband got very sick. This blog turned into so much more then a place to post whatever. It became a place to express the pain and hurt I was feeling. The people who expressed concern and gave me their prayers was wonderful and amazing. For that reason and that reason alone I can not let it go. I love this blog.
My friend Diane and I want to bring blogging back to where it once was. I am totally a lurker. I follow many blogs get my inspo and leave. Don't leave love for the blogger always. Today that changes. I am taking the blog love pledge...Give a little love get a little love.

(tag template is from free pretty little things)
You re welcome to post the little tag on your blog.
That means if you leave me a comment I will make sure I come to your blog and leave some love too. Any blogs I visit I will make sure to leave some love. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling and it will catch on. Blogs are meant to be read, felt, and inspire and I hope that's what I do when I share with you all. Thank you for being a reader. Thank you for allowing me to share my stories with you. & thank you for leaving me love. :)
I am a lurker and a slacker.. I can not keep my blog up for the life of me
I am a mostly lurker. and that said, I mostly read blogs in my reader and not on the actual blogs. which also means no comments. I'm glad that I scrolled down far enough in my reader to see your post Marie!
here's your love <3, and I'd also lOvE to participate in the Valentine swap : .)
the end.
Me! I'm play in the valentine swap!!!! ;)
i want in! but you can't comment on my blog because it's on lockdown right now. hee. a revamp is coming...because i'm with you. back to blogging is where it's at. YAY VALENTINES! whee!
Sign me up...I'm sold on Valentine swaps and spreading the LURVE. OK...at the count of three...big group hug. Thanks, Marie, I've admired your creativity for a long time. And you've inspired me along the way.
totally cute badge, marie! yes, i'm gonna put it on my blog and spread the love!
This is such a good idea!
ps. who doesn't lurk!? lol
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