First post of 2011. I could tell you how my new year started out kinda crappy. About how my wall caught on fire and the FD came out. I could also tell you I was super upset and thought to myself how it was sooo my luck for this to happen...I could. What I will tell you is I am thankful. Thankful my house did not burn to the ground. Thankful my family is safe and we weren't asleep despite it being 130 am Jan 1st. Thankful my husband got the flames out before any real damage was done. I do keep telling myself to hang on, things WILL get better. I really do believe it.
I could also say this year started out bad and the rest of it is going to be just as if not worse...I could. I wont. I prefer to look at it as it started out good. It could have been a disaster. We instead start a new year with a new outlet my hubby and father fixed (my dad is an electrician) and a whole new attitude, new memories and new learning experience. As they say what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger...
Good for you! New year of New and woooonderful things coming your way.
I salute you for your positive attitude, Marie. I'm so glad you and family are OK. Take care.
girl! glad to hear the fire was in control quickly. yikes! and i love how you looked at the bright side of it happening because you are exactly right. happy new year.
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